In Danmark, the address plays an extremely important role in the national geospatial strategy, from being the main way of geolocating statistical information on persons and firms to ensuring that ambulances arrive at the right place. The main way of accessing the address data set is through “Danmarks Adressers Web API” ( The API needs no user name password and is relatively easy to use for downloading data. Providing a simple download request that follow the form
Web address (
Parameters (after the “?” and separated by &)
?kommunekode=0101 means give me all addresses for the municipality with code number 0101 (Copenhagen), if you want more than one municipality, you can separate the municipalities by a “
?kommunekode=0101 means give me all addresses for the municipality with code number 0101 (Copenhagen), if you want more than one municipality, you can separate the municipalities by a “|” so ?kommunekode=0101|0147 means all addresses in the municipalities 0101 and 0147 (Copenhagen and Frederiksberg). You can find a complete list of municipality codes at ““
Finally you have the format parameter format=geojson will return the ata as a geojson file (good for geospatial procesing) while format=csv.
Allt together the following request will retreave all adersses in compenhagen and Frederiksberg municipality as a geojson file. Please note that this will take some tiime to compleat.|0147&format=geojson A quicher request would be all adresses in Lejre municipality (0350)