Category: Accessing and Managing Geospatial data

  • Historically elevation data was collected through field surveys and later through stereo photogrammetric measurement using overlapping aerial photographs. The output was recorded as iso lines on maps with a constant equidistance (elevation difference between lines). In Denmark, our earliest national elevation data sets date back to ca 1870 List of land surface parameters derived from…

  • In the following articles, I try to present some of the key (mostly danish) data sets in the context they are most commonly used.

  • While this is a bit different depending on your organization and what software you are using, I will here first outline the general principles and then describe how this is implemented in relation to QGIS- and ArcGIS- projects. If you are using python as your main GISapp, I recommend following the structure described in QGIS…

  • Managing GeoSpatial data

    “Managing data” is making changes to the representation of the data, i.e. exporting to a different data format or changing the Coordinate Reference System. One of the comment tasks in managing GeoSpatial data is how to establish a structured Geodata collection

  • One of the first questions you typically ask yourself when you want to start thinking about using geospatial data is, where to find it? Below, you can find my five recommendations on how to find data. The problem with the methods outlined in these recommendations is that they do assume that you have some knowledge…